Off Rail Alliance
United. Determined. Off The Rails.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Why Are These 25 Carcinogens Still Being Sold?
The FDA is a killer organization.
So superior are they, and so very post-modern, that it seems they've transcended meaning, analysis, and the law of cause and effect. Given their exalted status, should it really surprise that they've not noticed the myriad ways they've advanced the march of carcinogens? After all, it's not like they run studies, check results, or have some sort of mandate to protect, right?
With this in mind, let's examine a few of the carcinogens approved, ignored, and/or excused by the FDA; whose motto really ought to be, "move along, there's nothing to see, here".
1) Baby Powder. The talc in this powder is linked to ovarian cancer. The FDA's response? Too much money at stake to investigate. Very nihilistic, FDA! Nietzsche would approve.
Feel The Bern!
Veritas News reports live from Raleigh, NC, where Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is addressing his adoring base.
B.S., "Hi, I'm Bernie Sanders, and I am outraged. Can you tell I'm outraged, because I clearly am? Those crooks, the bankers, and the Washington politicians, make me so angry! I can't stand the establishment. They want you to believe I can't pay for my proposals. You want to know how I'm going to pay for them?! You want to know? Let me tell you a story about a young black man killed by police. I guarantee 50,000 dollars to anyone who wants to go to college. We're going to hold the establishment responsible! Diversity, diversity, diversity. Can I get an Amen?"
Crowd yells "Amen" and jumps up and down with glee.
Continued B.S., "We must take a look at the so-called war on drugs. Marijuana and Heroine are two different things, like Hillary Clinton from day to day. Feel the Bern!"
Woman in crowd, "We love you for some odd reason!"
The Secret Lives of Ambien Zombies
Have you ever stripped naked on a plane without cognition, cooked a meal in the middle of the night unawares, or woken up in some strange place, not knowing how on earth you got there? If so, you might be an Ambien Zombie.
As far as we know, the term "Ambien Zombie" descends from the flight attendant community. These poor flight attendants follow a simple code; if you spot a problem, it's yours to fix. Which means that if the Zombie streaking past your station urinates in the aisle nearest you, you get the blest job of cleaning it up and restraining him.
Story after story has been related of bad behavior on flights, performed by passengers who have taken Ambien to fight jet lag. While asleep, they become a nightmare for attendants; strange, unreachable, id driven creatures, shuffling down the aisles with blank expressions. That being said, Ambien's intended use is directed more towards insomnia and sleep deprivation. Not that all mind its intended use.
The Ambien Zombie phenomenon occurs only in a minority of cases. But these cases are so striking, damaging, and dangerous, that, many times, the lives of its users are altered and/or ruined forever.
But hey, that's just part of the cost of doing business. So, with that in mind, here are a few slogans I invented to help Sanofi Aventis sell their beloved drug more adequately. "Ambien; don't mix it with alcohol, for pity's sake!" "Ambien; see you tomorrow, honey, if you don't kill me in my sleep." And, "Ambien; at least it's not Halcyon."
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Saudi's Confirm Discussion With U.S. Led Coalition Of Potential Invasion Of Syria
Activist Post
March 1, 2016
In an interview with Reuters, an aide to Saudi Arabia’s Defense Minister, Brigadier General Ahmed Asseri, confirmed that not only have the Saudi’s considered a direct military invasion of Syria but that they have done so in collaboration and discussion with the 49 other nations making up the U.S. – led coalition “against ISIS.” The aide has confirmed the “political discussion” about the possibility of a ground troop deployment to Syria that was explored during a coalition ministerial meeting that took place in Brussels last month.
Asseri himself confirmed that the discussions took place. “It was discussed two weeks ago in Brussels,” he said, although he clarified that the discussions were only on the “political” level as opposed to a detailed “military mission.”
The general made a point to state that, if the decision to invade is made, Saudi Arabia would be ready and willing to contribute troops to the mission. He also admitted publicly that Saudi Arabia has been working on military plans for the potential invasion of Syria.
“Once this is organized, and decided how many troops and how they will go and where they will go, we will participate in that,” he said. “We need to discuss at the military level very extensively with the military experts to make sure that we have a plan.”
The United States has also confirmed the Saudi intentions with U.S. State Department spokesman John Kirby even stating that the United States would welcome the cooperation of the KSA.
“But there’s a lot that needs to be discussed in terms of what they would do, what their makeup would be, how they would need to be supported by the coalition going forward. So there’s a lot of homework that needs to be done,” Kirby said.
Hillary Clinton Praised By Neo-Cons
Image Source: SALON Credit: (Credit: Reuters/Jonathan Ernst) |
March 1, 2016
Proving that there is no discernible difference between Republican and Democratic administrations (as if the Bush-Obama years were not proof enough), Hillary Clinton’s dramatically pro-war, Zionist, and police state policies are earning her the support (or at least the lack of public opposition) from noted Neo-Con figures who typically play the role of the right-wing Republican side of the dialectic.
Consider Jacob Heilbrunn’s article in the New York Times entitled “The Next Act of the Neocons,” where he argued that many hawkish Neo-Cons are considering the possibility of crossing over from the GOP to the Hillary Clinton camp. While the ideology of the Neo-Cons is scarcely discernible from other factions in the US ruling class, there are minor differences in terms of the presentation of that ideology. This presentation has been carefully crafted by the ruling class for years for the purposes of dividing and ruling the American people. The fact that a seemingly “conservative” movement would thus be so open about supporting a seemingly “liberal” candidate is extremely telling.
Heilbrunn’s article tends to focus on the possibility that neo-cons like Robert Kagan are considering open support for Clinton. He writes,
Proving that there is no discernible difference between Republican and Democratic administrations (as if the Bush-Obama years were not proof enough), Hillary Clinton’s dramatically pro-war, Zionist, and police state policies are earning her the support (or at least the lack of public opposition) from noted Neo-Con figures who typically play the role of the right-wing Republican side of the dialectic.
Consider Jacob Heilbrunn’s article in the New York Times entitled “The Next Act of the Neocons,” where he argued that many hawkish Neo-Cons are considering the possibility of crossing over from the GOP to the Hillary Clinton camp. While the ideology of the Neo-Cons is scarcely discernible from other factions in the US ruling class, there are minor differences in terms of the presentation of that ideology. This presentation has been carefully crafted by the ruling class for years for the purposes of dividing and ruling the American people. The fact that a seemingly “conservative” movement would thus be so open about supporting a seemingly “liberal” candidate is extremely telling.
Heilbrunn’s article tends to focus on the possibility that neo-cons like Robert Kagan are considering open support for Clinton. He writes,
Even as they castigate Mr. Obama, the neocons may be preparing a more brazen feat: aligning themselves with Hillary Rodham Clinton and her nascent presidential campaign, in a bid to return to the driver’s seat of American foreign policy.
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Hillary Clinton On Drugs – America In Prison
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Image Source |
February 29, 2016
When Hillary Clinton participated in a Town Hall event with Christiane Amanpour in 2014, Amanpour asked Clinton about her position on the legalization of marijuana. Clinton responded that she believed medical marijuana should be available for individuals who are experiencing “extreme conditions” but that she believes we should “wait and see” how the legalization of marijuana turns out at the state level before doing so at the Federal level.[1]
While many people may have looked upon Clinton’s hesitation to even go as far as the governments of a number of states in her drug policy as a bit behind the times, the truth is that Clinton’s new drug policy – heavy-handed and anti-freedom as it may be – is an improvement to her drug policy in the past.
While Hillary attempts to court the fanatical racist #Black Lives Matter movement (both Hillary and BLM are funded by George Soros), the truth is that anyone who criticizes the American Prison Industrial Complex would be remiss in their criticism if they did not mention the role that Bill Clinton (being cheered on by Hillary all the way) played in the development of that complex.
Jeff Stein in his Salon article “The Clinton Dynasty’s Horrific Legacy: How ‘Tough On Crime’ Politics Built The World’s Largest Prison System,” where he writes,
When Hillary Clinton participated in a Town Hall event with Christiane Amanpour in 2014, Amanpour asked Clinton about her position on the legalization of marijuana. Clinton responded that she believed medical marijuana should be available for individuals who are experiencing “extreme conditions” but that she believes we should “wait and see” how the legalization of marijuana turns out at the state level before doing so at the Federal level.[1]
While many people may have looked upon Clinton’s hesitation to even go as far as the governments of a number of states in her drug policy as a bit behind the times, the truth is that Clinton’s new drug policy – heavy-handed and anti-freedom as it may be – is an improvement to her drug policy in the past.
While Hillary attempts to court the fanatical racist #Black Lives Matter movement (both Hillary and BLM are funded by George Soros), the truth is that anyone who criticizes the American Prison Industrial Complex would be remiss in their criticism if they did not mention the role that Bill Clinton (being cheered on by Hillary all the way) played in the development of that complex.
Jeff Stein in his Salon article “The Clinton Dynasty’s Horrific Legacy: How ‘Tough On Crime’ Politics Built The World’s Largest Prison System,” where he writes,
The explosion of the prison system under Bill Clinton’s version of the “War on Drugs” is impossible to dispute. The total prison population rose by 673,000 people under Clinton’s tenure — or by 235,000 more than it did under President Ronald Reagan, according to a study by the Justice Policy Institute.[2] “Under President Bill Clinton, the number of prisoners under federal jurisdiction doubled, and grew more than it did under the previous 12-years of Republican rule, combined,” states the JPI report (italics theirs). The federal incarceration rate in 1999, the last year of the Democrat’s term, was 42 per 100,000 — more than double the federal incarceration rate at the end of President Reagan’s term (17 per 100,000), and 61 percent higher than at the end of President George Bush’s term (25 per 100,000), according to JPI.
Hillary Clinton: Supported By Major Gas And Oil Giants
Image Source: Washington Free Beacon |
Brandon Turbeville
February 26, 2016
Right in line with Hillary Clinton’s support for the Fracking industry comes the funding and support of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign from a number of major oil and gas giants. At least in this instance, there are no surprises.
Many of these corporations are supporting the Clinton campaign through a semi-complicated method known as “bundling,” where agents of the corporation collect money from “private donors” and bundle them into a sizeable donation. It is, in a sense, an effort to skirt laws related to corporate donations to candidates and the limits set on private donations.
As Brandon Jordan writes for Mint Press News,
Lobbyists connected to fossil fuel firms are acting as bundlers for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign based on documents uploaded by journalist Lee Fang.[1]
In a post last month for The Intercept, Fang highlighted how private prison lobbyists were helping raise money for Clinton’s campaign. Interestingly, the documents also highlight lobbyists—who also have gone through the revolving door—working on behalf of oil and gas companies.[2]
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