Activist Post
February 16, 2016
Peace talks are being held for Syria in Geneva while Syria itself is bleeding because of the so called moderate rebels’ blasts. Unfortunately, we are used to such reactions from the terrorists since the same thing happens before every peace conference regarding Syria.
At the moment the peace talks began in Geneva, these so-called moderate rebels, backed by the United States and its regional allies, particularly the Wahhabist Saudi Arabia, began their suicide bombings in pro-government provinces like Syeda Zainab. In this town, located in the Damascus countryside, we saw a suicide attack that claimed the lives of more than 63 civilians with many more injured. Only days before, suicide bombings took place in Homs, leaving large numbers of martyrs and injured residents in its wake.
We suppose that, by these acts, the terrorists sent a clear message to the “Saudi delegation” and vice versa that the two stand in solidarity with one another. After all, killing civilians is a normal feature of the Wahhabi kingdom. And who can ignore their crimes in Yemen? Why should Syria be any different?
It is also important to mention that any peace talks that take place should be between Syrian actors only and not the “Riyadh delegation” since they most assuredly represent Saudi Arabia more than anyone in Syria.
Still, in the face of such atrocities and international aggression, Syria continues to launch successful offensives in Aleppo and Latakia provinces and achieve magnificent victories over Erdogan’s fighters.
One such victory was the liberation of the countryside of Latakia and the significant progress currently being made in Aleppo.
The liberation of Latakia provinces’ villages of Salma and Rabiaa were important victories against Erdogan’s terrorists because it cut supply lines running from Turkey to terrorists in Latakia. The next hit for the crazed Erdogan was the breaking of the three-and-a-half year siege of Nubbol and Zahra in the northern countryside of Aleppo, effectively destroying his dream of a “buffer zone” in Northern Syria. It also destroyed his ability to send weapons, food, medicine, and other supplies to terrorists and even more terrorists themselves to Aleppo to fight against the Syrian government and eventually annex Aleppo to Turkey.
This victory is also important because it will put terrorists now fighting in Idlib under siege. The border, up to this point, has been controlled by Turkey. Fortunately, that is no longer the case with the liberation of Latakia. Thus, Idlib will be the next to be liberated.
So now the Geneva peace talks have been pushed to another date. It is clear that the one who is stronger on the battlefield will have the stronger voice when discussing the terms of peace.
But it should always be remembered that it was the SAA and its allies that broke the siege on Syrians and liberated them after years of living under terrorism, not the Geneva talks.
In fact, it appears that the “opposition delegations” are a bit confused since, in times past, they would always ask for peace agreements every time they were being defeated on the ground. Now, they have conditions in place for talks and it is clear that these conditions are only to stop the progress of the Syrian army and its victory against the Western-backed terrorists, “moderate rebels,” and jihadist fighters.
They are also attempting to claim that Russia and the Syrian army are bombing civilians! The truth, of course, is that the US and its regional allies like Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well as Israel are the real enemies of the Syrian people and it is they who have been murdering civilians.
Turkey is now trying to send ground troops to Syria as is Saudi Arabia; without any authorization from the Syrian government under the pretext of fighting terrorism. Both of them, of course, need permission from their masters in the United States in order to do so. Without a doubt, this war is a NATO war against the resistance axis which now includes Russia.
Saudi Arabia is a hypocrite. It has the same ideology as its proxy troops in Syria who go by the name of ISIS. It is absolute deception when Saudi Arabia claims that it will fight ISIS. Besides, the jihadists are already being fought. In fact, they are losing. But they are losing to the Syrian Army and its allies who gain ground by the day.
Now, it is clear that the real enemies of Syria are removing their masks for all the world to see and are now ready to wage war against the Syrian people openly.
The Syrian people see that their peace is in Syria, not in Geneva and they know that their conference table is the battlefield. The only delegation that represents Syrians is the Syrian Arab Army. Without victory on the ground and the steadfast resolution of its citizens, there will be no peace in Syria. We will not concede to becoming the new Libya or the new Yemen.
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Afraa Dagher is a political analyst currently residing in Syria. She has made numerous media appearances commenting on the current state of affairs inside Syria as well as the nature of the current crisis. She has appeared on RT, PRESS TV, and is a regular guest on Activist Post writer Brandon Turbeville’s Truth on the Tracks radio program. Her website is
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